报告题目:Inferring Quality of U.S. Audit Partners from Their Houses
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:323 571 617)
Using audit partners’ houses to measure their wealth, we document that wealthier U.S. partners provide higher-quality audits, as reflected in fewer material restatements, fewer material SEC comment letters, and higher audit fees. We argue that partner wealth is informative of audit quality because it 1) reveals a U.S. partner's compensation and 2) incentivizes the partner to exert more effort. Consistent with the first argument, we find that partners’ house value is positively associated with characteristics that indicate pay level (Big 4 affiliation, workload, industry expertise, and office leadership). Consistent with the second argument, we find that a relatively exogenous variation in partner wealth is positively associated with audit quality. Overall, we provide the first evidence that a U.S. partner’s house value serves as a reliable signal of her audit quality.
姜雪峰, 现任密歇根州立大学商学院会计信息系讲座教授,金融系兼职教授,中国人民大学商学院海外特聘教授,美国管理科学(Management Science)副主编。1999年获中国人民大学财金学院硕士学位,2005年获佐治亚大学管理学博士学位。研究方向为公司治理、财务会计、信用评级和网络安全。曾获得美国会计学会2017年杰出贡献奖,该奖项只颁发给发表五年以上且对会计教育、实践或未来会计研究有重大原创贡献的文章。研究成果被华尔街日报、纽约时报、福布斯、路透社、哥伦比亚电视台等媒体广泛报道。多次获得杰出教师称号,指导的博士生就职于佛罗里达大学、迈阿密大学和新加坡国立大学等世界知名院校。