报告题目:Taking the pulse of firm innovation from online job postings
主办单位:东北财经大学会计学院 辽宁省资本市场财务与会计研究生创新与学术交流中心
In this study, we analyze data on online job postings by US public firms to investigate their R&D activities. Our findings reveal a consistent increase in the demand for R&D human capital from 2010 to 2021. Controlling for other commonly used indicators of firms’ R&D activities, such as R&D expenses and narrative R&D information in 10-K filings, we find that R&D job postings possess incremental predictive power for firms’ future innovation performance. This predictive power is particularly pronounced for firms with higher growth opportunities or lower labor intensity and for R&D job postings that require disruptive technology skills or advanced education. Furthermore, the skills listed in R&D job postings align with the types of patents firms file in the future. Overall, our results highlight the significance of R&D job postings as a valuable source of information regarding firms’ innovation activities.
杜英,西安交通大学管理学院博士研究生,2021-2023年在香港城市大学从事研究助理工作。研究领域主要包括公司财务与公司治理、资本市场审计与信息披露等。读博期间在国家自然科学基金委认定的A类期刊以及财务与会计领域重要的CSSCI和SSCI期刊上发表与录用论文8篇,并有一项研究收到了UT/DALLAS认定的24种国际顶尖期刊之一Management Science的修订邀请。