当前位置:  首页 科学研究 科研活动 东财·会计与财务论坛(2024年第33期):张越

报告题目:Navigating Emission Reduction: The Interaction of Disclosure Regulation and Institutional Support in China




主办单位:东北财经大学会计学院 辽宁省资本市场财务与会计研究生创新与学术交流中心


We examine how the carbon-reduction effect of a disclosure regulation varies with the availability of institutional complementarities in China. Our analysis exploits the 2021 mandate by the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) urging public firms to disclose their carbon-reduction measures and outcomes. We define treatment firms as those that initiated and disclosed carbon reduction efforts in 2021, and control firms as those that did not. We further categorize firms based on the level of institutional support available to them, which includes access to human capital, green financing, and government environmental spending. Our results show that in regions with strong support, treatment firms significantly reduce carbon intensity and emissions compared to matched control firms, whereas in regions with limited support, the difference is statistically insignificant. These findings highlight the importance of complementing carbon disclosure regulations with institutional support to effectively reduce carbon emissions in China.



