报告题目:Female-friendly Boards in Family Firms
报告地点:腾讯会议(会议ID:163 620 528)
How do female directors fare in family firms? Will female directors be more influential on family boards? Research on board informal hierarchy indicates that female directors, due to perceived role incongruity, may wield less influence than their male counterparts. We posit that such informal hierarchy defined by gender is less salient on family boards. That is because family firms, characterized by their socioemotional wealth—a non-economic goal centered on compassion and relationships, require additional responsibilities from directors that are better accomplished by women. In turn, women as directors are perceived less incongruent and gain more influence, nurturing female-friendly boards. We hypothesize that such boards can unlock the potential of gender diversity by improving firm financial and social performances. The analysis of 43,947 individual directors in Chinese publicly listed firms supports our hypotheses. Overall, we contribute to the literature at the intersection of family business, female leadership, and corporate governance.
赵宜一,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院会计系副教授。2011年本科毕业于东北财经大学,2017年博士毕业于复旦大学,曼彻斯特大学访问学者。她的研究领域包括家族企业公司治理、审计、会计信息与资本市场。主要成果发表于Journal of Corporate Finance、《管理世界》、《会计研究》等。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目《家族企业董事会配置效应研究》。